Fantasy Newsletter No.24

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  1. FANTASY NEWSLETTER No.24 - A black ink and black color pencil drawing on an 11 x 14 size coquille board. Fanzine cover drawing. My original drawing does not have the blue color you see here, the editor had the color added on with an overlay.

    Science fiction fanzines are a way for fans to communicate with each other, mostly to share their opinions about authors, books, editors, and illustrators. When I started illustrating in the field there were lots of them around, I received at least one every week for years, asking me to contribute some artwork. Somewhere along the way they stopped coming. I suppose the Internet has taken their place.

    There is a fundamental need for our species not only to breathe and eat, but to connect with each other mind to mind, with both speech and the printed word. People are talking on the radio and Television twenty four hours a day, printing presses are turning out books and magazines at a non-stop pace, and on the Internet it's a tidal wave of billions of voices from every nation on the planet, quack-quack-quacking at each other non-stop. It's a bit disconcerting to me to realize that I have now joined in all that quacking!

    With my computer and the internet I have connected my mind to yours. And to how many others? That used to be a science fiction concept, it isn't any more.

    The reality of the whole thing is mind-boggling! Especially when you consider all the "crazies" out there that now have access to your mind!

    It's a bit scary, isn't it?

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